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Monday, February 27, 2012

Lauren Grace

Lauren Grace.  Baby Lauren.  Lauren Gracie.  BLG.  Snuggle Bug.  Baby L.

I know, she's not a baby anymore.  But she's our baby...and too young to protest the title.  So we use it.  Probably will for a bit longer.

Lauren loves adventure!  Climbing, running, jumping, and getting into things.  She wants to attempt to do everything that Elise does.  The height factor is quite debilitating, but doesn't slow her down.  She gets into mischief daily and attempts things that even her big sister is not brave enough for.  Forging new roads is her expertise.  She is small and limber and I wish I had a picture of the crazy locations she has wiggled herself into.

She is often very quiet.  She is amazing at hide and seek...a game she adores!  She can find places that are really great places to hide and she can sit quietly, still something Elise has yet to learn.  This is troublesome at times, sadly we have lost her in our house on several occasions.  Seriously, we have had a few panic stricken moments looking for her.  None the less, our front door is constantly locked.

Lauren can't get enough water.  She loves it.  She climbs into the bathtub at any opportunity.  She often chases me down, ripping off clothes, shouting "shower mommy!"  She loves splashing and does not mind it if the water is in her face.  I am fearful around pools with her because she has no hesitation about the water.

Lauren loves the consistency of reading a few of her favorite books over and over.  Bedtimes are usually pretty predictable.

She loves to snuggle.  She is very affectionate and enjoys curling up in your lap for a good book.

Her favorite toy right now is her baby.  She drags it along constantly and loves to snuggle her.   Surprise surprise!  She loves to sleep with her baby, push it in her stroller, and give her hugs and kisses and tuck the baby into bed.  So precious!

Like her sister, Lauren loves to be outside.  We often have teary meltdowns when we come in the house after playing outside.  She doesn't mind that her lips are blue and fingers freezing.

She too, loves adventures.  When daddy gets a SWAT call and is packing, she disappears into her room to pack as well.  She usually manages to put on shoes and put her lovie and baby into her backpack and waits at the door, telling me "bye bye mommy."  She is so sad when her daddy has to leave, but is usually happy after watching him speed away with his lights on.

Lauren loves chocolate *awe* a girl after my own heart!  Seriously, we have to hide it around my house.  She has a sweet tooth like her momma, but I love that about her!

Unlike her big sister.  Lauren loves to go to bed in at night and for naps.  There are many times she skips lunch and heads upstairs with her lovie in tow to go to sleep.  She squeals and is delighted when we lay her down at night for bed.  And, she loves to get up in the morning.  She is an early riser and has a huge smile plastered on her face.  If only my children were wired the same.  It would make life a little more simple, but where is the fun in that?

Lastly, and certainly not least Lauren is stubborn.  Wow, it's wild how or one year old can hold her own.  Scott tells me she get's it from his dad, Steve.  But I have my own suspensions.

The joys these two monsters bring to our family.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Elise Kylie

Elise loves attention.

She likes to sing, dance, and preform, and often demands for us to sit and watch as she entertains.  Her favorite part about Cubbies is when she stands on the stage and sings in an empty church once everyone leaves.

She is bossy.  I often find myself reminding her that I am the mommy, as she attempts to discipline Lauren, much to her sisters angst.

She is very melodramatic. This is lovely when the tears turn into giggles.  

She is getting more strong willed and I have found myself dealing with a few ugly 4-year-old tantrums.  But she hates to disappoint us and usually is quick to apologize.

Her imagination often surprises both Scott and I.  She has an amazing ability to create a wonderful fantasy in any situation.  She does not have make believe friends, per se, but she is always talking about pretend people.

Elise is really into movies, Shrek is her favorite of the week.  She would watch it over and over all day long if we allowed her to.  However, thankfully she is 4 and easily distractable.

She loves books and reading, every night at bedtime she chooses a new book.

She really loves coloring and drawing.  She has mastered drawing a flower.  I am impressed.  This is new for her and she is so proud of herself.

She loves to travel.  She enjoys exploring new places and asking questions.  Sleeping in a hotel is beyond exciting for her, and she is very jealous that daddy sleeps in hotels so often, something he does not enjoy.

She loves to don her apron and help cook, clean, and do dishes.  If I get her a chair and a scrub brush she can easily spend 20 minutes cleaning the plates.  Score 1 point mommy & daddy.

She has to be cohersed into the shower, unless it's at Dammy & Papa's and she eagerly hops into the tub.

She likes to stay up late and sleep in, in the mornings.  She is a little grumpy in the mornings, but after 20 minutes she is ready for anything.

She eats most anything.  Usually willing to try anything once, and loves going to Bill and Praries House for lunch (Happy Horse.)

My favorite quote of the week:  "Mommy, I don't want a boy, just the ring." After she asked when she can get a ring like my wedding ring.

She adores her family, and her little sister!  She is quick to consul Lauren after little sister gets hurt, and always worries about her sissy.  When I picked her up from the babysitters without Lauren last year to have a special afternoon with just her, there were tears.  She didn't want to leave Lauren.  Not what I imagined, but it made my heart happy.  

Monday, February 13, 2012


January 26, 2012.  At 4:40 in the morning (PST) I was lacing up my running shoes.  At the exact same moment in time, Melissa was in Hawaii loading up in the car to watch the sunrise from Haleakala in Maui.  Awe, sometimes I wish to trade places with her, and this is one of those times.

Needless to say, what a super thoughtful sister I have. While home for lunch the FedEx man stopped by my home.  Not an unusual occurence...we do live in the sticks.  I will be expecting a coffee filter shipment next week because Safeway (our one grocery store) does not carry the ones we need for are camp trailer.  Seriously, who has to order coffee filters via mail...this gal.  I digress.

Back to the story, she and Matt mailed our daughters beautiful leis.  Authentic from their Hawiian vacation.  When our girls got home they were elated!  They were absolutely beautiful, more so than expected after the FedEx trip to Oregon.

Thank you Auntie and Uncle Matt for bringing these smiles to our faces!  Have a wonderful time escaping the Alaskan winter and enjoy those sunny beaches!

And, yes there were cute photos.  Lost in my organizational system.  Sorry!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I am running a little behind, but none-the-less I want to share about the exciting little things going on around my house.  Something really exciting is happening.  Elise and Lauren are beginning to develop a friendship.  Yes, so exciting for this mommy!  We have really noticed how they have started to play so much better together!  Lauren is finally big enough to keep up with her sister and her language allows her to express her excitement or frustrations with her big sissy!  They enjoy so many of the same things and love to play with each other.  Let's be honest, this new found friendship has posed some challenges, fights, tantrums, and tears; but...it's been wonderful!

Case in point, I put the girls to bed and after hearing some giggles from upstairs, I found Elise camped out in Lauren's room.  They were having a sleepover.  Awe....so much for sleep.  I couldn't not bring myself to drag Elise to her own room (Scott was away on a SWAT call, so I was weak.)  They didn't get much sleep that night, but they loved every minute.

January 2012:

January 2011:

Wow, what a difference a year makes.  Today they are coloring together, and last January this is what was going on at my house:

Elise 2012:

Elise 2011:

Lauren 2012:
Lauren 2011:

Yep, time is escaping us around here.  Trying to soak it all up.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Stationery card

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