Lauren Grace. Baby Lauren. Lauren Gracie. BLG. Snuggle Bug. Baby L.
I know, she's not a baby anymore. But she's our baby...and too young to protest the title. So we use it. Probably will for a bit longer.
Lauren loves adventure! Climbing, running, jumping, and getting into things. She wants to attempt to do everything that Elise does. The height factor is quite debilitating, but doesn't slow her down. She gets into mischief daily and attempts things that even her big sister is not brave enough for. Forging new roads is her expertise. She is small and limber and I wish I had a picture of the crazy locations she has wiggled herself into.
She is often very quiet. She is amazing at hide and seek...a game she adores! She can find places that are really great places to hide and she can sit quietly, still something Elise has yet to learn. This is troublesome at times, sadly we have lost her in our house on several occasions. Seriously, we have had a few panic stricken moments looking for her. None the less, our front door is constantly locked.
Lauren can't get enough water. She loves it. She climbs into the bathtub at any opportunity. She often chases me down, ripping off clothes, shouting "shower mommy!" She loves splashing and does not mind it if the water is in her face. I am fearful around pools with her because she has no hesitation about the water.
Lauren loves the consistency of reading a few of her favorite books over and over. Bedtimes are usually pretty predictable.
She loves to snuggle. She is very affectionate and enjoys curling up in your lap for a good book.
Her favorite toy right now is her baby. She drags it along constantly and loves to snuggle her. Surprise surprise! She loves to sleep with her baby, push it in her stroller, and give her hugs and kisses and tuck the baby into bed. So precious!
Like her sister, Lauren loves to be outside. We often have teary meltdowns when we come in the house after playing outside. She doesn't mind that her lips are blue and fingers freezing.
She too, loves adventures. When daddy gets a SWAT call and is packing, she disappears into her room to pack as well. She usually manages to put on shoes and put her lovie and baby into her backpack and waits at the door, telling me "bye bye mommy." She is so sad when her daddy has to leave, but is usually happy after watching him speed away with his lights on.
Lauren loves chocolate *awe* a girl after my own heart! Seriously, we have to hide it around my house. She has a sweet tooth like her momma, but I love that about her!
Unlike her big sister. Lauren loves to go to bed in at night and for naps. There are many times she skips lunch and heads upstairs with her lovie in tow to go to sleep. She squeals and is delighted when we lay her down at night for bed. And, she loves to get up in the morning. She is an early riser and has a huge smile plastered on her face. If only my children were wired the same. It would make life a little more simple, but where is the fun in that?
Lastly, and certainly not least Lauren is stubborn. Wow, it's wild how or one year old can hold her own. Scott tells me she get's it from his dad, Steve. But I have my own suspensions.
The joys these two monsters bring to our family.
Mexico City Weekend
5 years ago